I was incredibly nervous going into this ultrasound. I had no doubts that the baby was fine, but I was terrified to find out the gender. Part of me hoped that it was a boy so that Greyden would have a brother to tear around with. After all, the kids will only be 20 months apart. The other part hoped for a girl so that I wouldn't get 5 years down the road with 2 potty-trained boys (or as potty trained as boys actually get) and decide that we needed to try for a girl. Especially since this method is 99% likely to result in another boy. I was dreading this appointment because of my indecisiveness. Like it would make any difference what I hoped it would be, right?
Once we got into the ultrasound room, I was even more nervous than before. I was starting to questions whether or not the ultrasound tech would be able to even see the baby through the butterflies in my stomach. Then she asked if we wanted to know the gender. I was thisclose to saying no, but the planner in me was not about to let that happen. So without further adieu, here's the great gender reveal picture:
So maybe the fact that it's a girl explains why this pregnancy is so different from the last one. I'm exhausted constantly. And it's no wonder. I'm freaking ginormous. You try hauling a 30 pound baby around. Plus I have Greyden to haul around. Even Kevin (bravely) said I look bigger this time around than I did when I was this far along with Greyden. He actually said that I look like I’m 30 weeks along, instead of 27. I asked him to clarify if he meant my gut or my ass looked 30 weeks pregnant and and all he’d say is that it looks like I have a bigger baby in there. And he refused to specify where exactly I was carrying said “bigger baby”.
I totally blame Baby Girl for my exhaustion. She is beating the crap out of me from the inside. She’s either going to be a gymnast or a martial artist. It constantly feels like my intestines are being pulled and twisted. I’ve been getting light headed a lot too and am constantly out of breath. And Greyden isn't helping. The kid is a bundle of energy. He doesn't stop. And even though I'm exhausted, I actually kind of wish he’d stay this age forever. The kid is a riot. He discovered his “surprised face” a couple of weeks ago. So he’ll randomly look at something, then look at us with his huge eyes and his mouth in a huge oval and then say oh-oh! Which loosely translates into uh-oh. Freaking adorable.
It's actually getting slightly less exhausting now that he's getting past the teething stage. For a while he had 4 coming it at once. A couple of weeks ago, he got his 2 top molars (which came in with NO issues or temperatures). Then last Friday I realized he now has 3 teeth completely in along the bottom, instead of 2, and the one on the other side is poking up. His 2 bottom molars came in last week (and are still on their way up) and he’s now getting one of his incisors in addition to the 4 teeth he already had on top. It was miserable around here for a couple of weeks. 101 temps and waking up every couple of hours, even with Tylenol. There was one incident where we picked him up from daycare and he had a 101 temp. He was SO lethargic. He literally laid on Kevin’s chest with his eyes half closed and didn’t move for an hour. He never wants to cuddle that long and rarely sits still for longer than 30 seconds. We were minutes from taking him to urgent care, when he was suddenly up and ready to play. I will be SO glad when the teething part is over.
He's starting to really talk now though! His favorite phrase is "up down" which is what he says regardless of whether he's actually going up or down. He is also repeating everything we say. For example, I was getting him dressed for daycare last week and I told him that we needed to put his britches on. He looked up at me and said "Biches?" Um, parenting fail.
Due Date: July 15, 2012
Total weight gain/loss: I am ashamed to even say this out loud, but I'm up 26 pounds. And I still have 13 weeks left. Yikes, that's scary.
Next Appointment: We just had one last Thursday on April 19 - Now we're heading into having appointments every two weeks.
Maternity clothes? I'm still holding onto the ones I have, but barely. Did you SEE my weight gain above? Where is it all coming from? This has to be a second pregnancy thing. I swear, I could eat lettuce-only salads for every meal and still gain 10 pounds.
Sleep: Besides obviously needing more, I'm doing okay. I had a cold this past weekend that kicked my ass and kept me up all night coughing. I'm still recovering from that so I could probably sleep for the next 3 days straight if given the opportunity.
Best moment this week: Watching Greyden play with his cousin Adelaide! My sister had to head out of town for a wedding, so mom and I played babysitter extraordinaire last weekend. Well, she did. I was too sick to function so I was mainly there for (good) looks. Grey is going to make an awesome big brother. He was constantly bringing her toys to her and petting her on the head. It was adorable. When my sister got back, she took Addie up to Cass City to see her great-grandmas. Poor Greyden kept walking around the house saying "Baby?" and looking for her.
Movement: See above. She is moving constantly. And she is incredibly low. Every kick I feel is about 3 inches below my belly button. I feel like I'm carrying a rock around in my abdomen. She is SO heavy. The nice part is I don't have to deal with feet in my ribs. The bad part is that every time I cough or sneeze, she kicks my bladder.
Food cravings: I still have a thing for sugar. Prior to my first pregnancy, I couldn't care less about it. Now if it's around, I eat it. I'm really hoping it goes away after this pregnancy.
Planning/Preparations: I bought bedding. Yes, that's it.
Belly Button/Stretch Marks: Belly button is not sticking out, but it's not really in either. It's kind of flat with a small lump in the middle. Odd. As for stretch marks, even with the mass amount of weight I've already gained, I still don't have any.
Showing?: Showing? HA! I look like I'm ready to deliver. If one more person asks me if I'm sure I'm not further ahead than I think I am, I'm going to punch them.
What I miss: Being able to nap at a moments notice, especially after work. Greyden has a "no napping" policy that he strictly enforces.
What I am looking forward to: Shopping for baby stuff. We need pretty much everything from a crib and recliner for the nursery to a double stroller.
Milestones: I'm in my 3rd trimester! And it's a good thing Kevin is here to remind me of that, because I would have never known had he not pointed it out last Sunday. I really need to focus here. I have less than 13 weeks to wrap my head around this. And since everyone is 100% convinced I'm going to deliver early, I should probably get cracking.
So my dreaded 27 week pictures. First off, here is my 27 week shot from my first pregnancy. (I thought I was huge.) Then I took my 27 week shot from this pregnancy. (I was wrong.)
Pregnancy #1 - 2010 - 27 weeks |
Pregnancy #2 - 2012 - 27 weeks |
I can't believe I even did this to myself, but I thought it would be fun to look back through some of my old pictures and see which week most closely compares with my size now. I was hoping for a week 29, maybe 30. This is the one that actually came the closest:
Pregnancy #1 - 2010 - Week 35. |
No wonder people are asking me if I'm going to go early...