Since I'm already so far behind, I might as well throw a few Easter pictures out there. Since I didn't even come close to celebrating Easter with Greyden last year, this year I went all out. And not only that, I went all out for my niece Adelaide too, since we were heading to Indiana to my sister and brother-in-laws house for the weekend.
If you'll remember, this was the extent of Greyden's Easter Bunny pictures last year:
See? There's a bunny next to him. Although I am now noticing it's the same color as the couch and kind of hard to see. This year we actually got some taken. Fine, it was just because we happened to be in Walmart and the rabbit walked by on his way to the set. Had we not seen the bunny, he wouldn't have had any this year either. He refused to go anywhere near the bunny on his own (yet was not shy about taking the bunny's candy):
This is Greyden's "Hell No" face. |
He relaxed a little when the candy bucket magically appeared. |
Although he was obviously still a little leery of the rabbit. |
This is the best we could do for a "sit on the bunny's lap" pose. |
And out of all of those, one turned out semi-decent. Although he is obviously trying to get away. |
As for his Easter basket, this was it last year:
Yes, there is no picture. Because there wasn't one. Poor kid. So to make up for it, this was Greyden's Easter basket this year:
And, since I was in total Rock Star mode, I made one for Addie too! (Which is a good thing, since Addie's mom was pulling a "Non-Rock Star Leah" from last year).
I even went so far as to fill and hide plastic Easter eggs for him. (We drew the line at dying our own). I totally didn't think he'd catch on to the whole Easter egg hunt thing, so I filled them with puffs, goldfish, yogurt melts, and M&Ms. Oh, how I underestimate the kid. He definitely caught on. He even caught on to the fact that the M&M filled eggs made a different sound than the other ones and proceeded to shake every egg he found, rejecting the ones that didn't rattle loudly enough. Eventually I had to start pre-hunting them just so I could replace the M&Ms with cheese cubes before he demolished an entire bag of M&Ms.
His first Easter egg. |
Filled with the disappointing yogurt melts. |
I look like I'm trying to help him, but to be honest, I was after those M&Ms too. |
Two at once! Must have been loud rattlers. |
I just love his hair in this picture. We've since gotten him a much needed haircut. Pictures to come, so be sure to check back in 2014. |
Checking to see if there are M&Ms inside before bothering with touching it. |
Even baby Addie got in on the action. She had a great time dumping all of the eggs out. |
Found his Easter basket! |
Skipping the flashcards..... |
.....and going right for the Peeps. My kind of kid. |
He got bubbles in his basket too!
So did Addie, although she wasn't nearly as thrilled about them. |
She also appeared to be slightly nervous about the whole Easter basket thing. |
Greyden looks like he's being nice and helping Addie with her eggs. In reality, he's shaking them to make sure he got all of the M&M ones before Addie gets to them. |
The greatest part about having babies is being able to put bunny ears on them. |
Of course she ate them eventually. |