By playing around with the due date, you can see how big the baby will be throughout your pregnancy. Stupid me decided to see how big the baby would be if I were due next week instead of in 2 months. The app told me that my baby is now 19 to 22 inches and 6 to 9 pounds, or as big as a watermelon. My first thought was "Sweet! I love watermelon!" My second thought was "HOLY HELL HOW AM I GOING TO GET THIS THING OUT OF HERE???" I have a feeling they're not talking about those tiny sugar baby watermelons. Needless to say, I am NOT picturing a cute, little watermelon in a diaper. The visual that I am getting is actually not even remotely close to that. And to think, watermelon used to be my favorite fruit. I think I'm changing my favorite to blueberries.
Due Date: November 12, 2010
Total weight gain/loss: I hit my 25 pound mark this morning. I'm obviously anticipating gaining a few more since the baby still has to at least double if not triple in weight. (Notice I specifically said "baby" and not "butt.")
Next Appointment: September 16. Right now my appointments are every two weeks, but we'll be going weekly either after this appointment or the next one.
Maternity Clothes: I think I have given up on maternity clothes, because I find myself drawn to the "after baby" clothes lately. Think soft, cotton yoga pants. Now if I could just wear those to work, I'd be all set.
Labor Signs: Nada. I'm not even getting as many Braxton Hicks contractions as I was. I get maybe one every 3 days or so. At this point I kind of feel like I'm going to be pregnant for the rest of my life. (What to Expect App: Your baby is now the size of the record holding pumpkin in Guiness Book of World Records)
Sleep: I'm doing pretty good. I'm lucky in that it's rare that I don't sleep good. Yes, I may be up once or twice each night, but when I am asleep, I sleep like a brick.
Best moment this week: Friday. Even though it was a short week with the Labor Day holiday, it seemed to take FOREVER. I'm happy that it is over and I can sleep in tomorrow morning. I also got the car seat adapter for my stroller (which I still have yet to be allowed to leave the house with, thankyouverymuchKevin). Of course, we don't have the car seat yet, but you know. Baby steps.
Movement: I think I am a bad mom. I hear people talk about how amazing it is to feel the baby move inside of you and while it is amazing and kind of cool to feel, it can also be a little on the uncomfortable side. It feels like my intestines and stomach are being pulled and somersaulted around. To be honest, when there are really big movements I sometimes feel briefly nauseous from the pulling. Kind of like the feeling you get when your stomach turns over after seeing a deep fried cat's ear on your plate at a Chinese buffet when you thought you were getting deep fried calamari. Not that that's ever happened to me or anything.
Food cravings: I guess sugar is on my list, although I can't say I'm actually craving it. It just sounds good lately. I've never been a huge sweets person, but I couldn't say no to the jumbo boxes of Hot Tamales or Sugar Babies at Target yesterday. Notice I said at Target yesterday. Let's just say that they are no longer at Target.
Planning/Preparations: There is still so much to do. I don't even know where to begin. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with the whole thing.
Belly Button in or out: In.
Stretch Marks: None. I keep thinking I should be doing something to try to prevent them. Lotion or cocoa butter maybe. But that just sounds like a lot of work at the moment. I'm still banking on those good genes.
Showing?: Still getting bigger. I thought about messing with the woman in Target yesterday who randomly asked me when my little one was due and telling her that I'm not pregnant. But 1) she was seriously lacking in the teeth department so I don't know if I would have been able to understand her response (hell, I barely got her question), and 2) I'd say it's pretty obvious now that I am not just fat.
What I miss: Now that football season is back in full swing, I miss having a beer with the game. The O'douls just doesn't cut it.
What I am looking forward to: Finishing up Starting our Baby To-Do list. Remember how last week I said that if I could get one thing crossed off I'd be a happy camper? Well, I guess I am a happy camper because we got one thing crossed off last week. Yes, one. That only leaves approximately 378 more things to do. I'm hoping to take care of a couple more this weekend.
Milestones: Making it to week 31 - only 9 weeks left! (Now would be a good time to get to work on that to-do list.)
Let's compare.
13 Weeks.
31 Weeks. is supposed to be slimming.
Apparently blue isn't so slimming either.
Bob the BRISKET!!!! HA! I love it, and his name emerges...;)