Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This One's for You, Barb!

Barb is my boss. I'm sorry, Barb is the name of my co-worker as she insists on being called in front of my friends. She could insist on being called the janitor for all I care and it wouldn't change the fact that she's the one in charge. Therefore it is my sole purpose in life to make her happy. Lucky for me she's only made me pick up her dry cleaning twice in the 2+ years I've worked for her. (I kid, I kid!)

Back when I first began blogging, I had no idea what I was doing. Most days I considered myself lucky if I was able to type a paragraph, hit post, and have it actually appear on my blog. So imagine my surprise when Barb called me into her office one day and, after telling me how much she liked my blog, asked me why she wasn't getting an email notification whenever it was updated. I looked at her like she had two heads and told her that it was because I didn't even know that was possible. She told me of course it was possible and then proceeded to tell me that she got an email from Gwenyth Paltrow when she updated her blog and didn't know why I couldn't do the same. I told her it was because Gwenyth had "people" and that if Barb wanted to hire me some "people" then I'd be happy to make it happen. Don't worry, we have this type of relationship. (At least I think we do, since I haven't been fired yet.)

After she issued this challenge to me, I realized it was actually a pretty good idea. So I got right to work on it. I figured if that bitch (Gwenyth, not Barb) could figure it out, then so could I. So I Googled it a few times. And as it turned out, I couldn't figure it out to save my life. At least not in the 15 minutes that I actually tried before losing interest. (This all took place during my pregnancy when I had the attention span of a flea.) I promptly blamed my incompetency lack of technical knowledge on Gwenyth's "people" (or, more accurately, my lack of "people"), then forgot all about it.

Then last night I was reading one of my favorite cooking blogs (from way back yonder when I actually had time to cook), when I saw it. A little box in the corner that said Enter Your Email Address and a button that said Subscribe. Bingo! I immediately hopped onto the website and figured out how to add it to my own blog. Okay, that makes it sound like it was easy. Truth be told I still didn't figure it out right away. It took about 4 hours and countless texts to my sister asking "Did you get an email yet? No? How about now? Okay, now??? Are you sure? Well check again. NO I'M NOT SENDING YOU ADS TO ENHANCE YOUR MANHOOD!!! CHECK AGAIN!!!" Needless to say, all I'm doing now is crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. Although I'm not holding my breath, considering I (being one of my only 2 subscribers) received an email yesterday morning announcing that I had recently uploaded a new post! YAY! Unfortunately the "new post" turned out to by from June 25, 2010 and was announcing that we were having a boy. And I'm pretty sure we have already established that. However since I'm still in shock that I managed to get anything to show up in my email inbox at all, I'm not going to complain too much. So go ahead and subscribe to my blog. And if you suddenly get an update announcing my pregnancy, please, please, PLEASE remember to check the date before congratulating me. The last thing I need right now is a heart attack. 


  1. Yea! I never realized I could do that either! I still say you should go public or publish!!!I will be adding your dads email account as well.


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