Rolling over is quite exciting for Grey! And just to prove to us how much he loves it, he's taken to practicing his newfound talent as much as possible, including in the middle of the night. Now that rolling for Junior = no sleeping for mommy and daddy (apparently he thought we were getting too much sleep before?) it's not nearly as exciting to us as it initially was. Nighttime now consists of us being awoken at
Junior's rolling has presented some new challenges for us as well. Most notably, there's no leaving him unattended on his changing pad anymore. Not that we made a habit of that before, but when the motion sensor on his crib monitor was screaming that OMG THE BABY'S NOT MOVING!!!! (well, duh, he's not in the crib), it was pretty easy to take the two steps across the room, switch it off, and return to the changing table in 2 seconds flat. Now we have to take Junior with us to perform that 2 second task. And when you think about it, the fact that he's on his changing table in the first place should be a pretty good indication that he's not exactly suitable to take any kind of journey, even the 2 second kind. We've been lucky so far and haven't had any peeing across the carpet incidents (or, god forbid, the other kind of incidents), but it's making us much better at remembering to turn the stupid alarm off before taking him out of the crib. See? Mommy and Daddy are trainable too.
Checking In!
Weeks Post Partum: 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I'm finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight! Actually I was a pound under this morning. So now I just need someone to tell me the reason why, if my scale insists that I'm skinny again, are some of my clothes still arguing otherwise?
Sleep: Riiiiiiiight. See above.
Best moment this week: Greyden rolling over.
What I miss: Greyden not rolling over.
What I am looking forward to: Greyden figuring out how to roll the other direction, from his tummy back to his back.
Milestones: In addition to rolling, Junior also found his piggies. It makes for interesting diaper changes when you're trying to work around an infant that is hell-bent on chewing his toes.
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