Yes, another one. This time it's a Jeep to tow behind his other new toy (the RV) to take up to his other (yes, again) new toy, the deer lease. Kevin got it in his head a few months ago that we HAD to have one. It became an obsession to find the perfect one. (Is this sounding familiar *cough*RV*cough*?) He even managed to brainwash our friends Kevin and Sandy into believing that they HAD to have a deer lease as well (my Kevin is very, very schneaky.) I have to admit, I wasn't fully on board at first for a few reasons: 1) As I've mentioned before, I don't do toxic critters. And Texas + land + no civilization just screams "please bite/poison/eat me for dinner." 2) To go along with the toxic critters, Texas also has psycho critters, such as wild hogs. Another "please eat me for dinner" scenario. 3) It's 2 hours away, and as the person that has to sit in back with Junior when he decides that he's been in his car seat long enough, well, that should be pretty self explanatory. But I have to admit, it is nice to have some property to escape to on the weekends. Kevin dragged us up there last weekend took Greyden and me up last weekend so that he could show it off and test out his new toy on the trails.
Here she is. I've named her Jethro, even though it's a girl. Fitting, huh?
And here she is rigged up behind the, er....rig:
We actually had a pretty good time. We didn't stay all night, just a few hours, but it was long enough to get Tater good and worn out so that he'd sleep for the entire 2 hour ride home (yes, this was the backseat passenger's idea). I have to say the kid LOVED riding in the Jeep. He also loved pretending to drive it. I have no idea where he learns this stuff.
Here are some pictures of the property and the trails.

One of the 5 deer blinds the previous tenants left behind for us. (With the way Kevin was going on, you'd think it were Christmas.)
Tater and I in our "Deer Lease Hats." Daddy was not overly impressed with us. We decided that he's just jealous that he doesn't have one.
The lease borders an Exotic Wildlife Refuge. At least that's what I'm told. We didn't see any exotic beasts, besides this massive pine cone. The story is that when Kevin and Kevin were here to check out the property, they claim they saw a zebra. They actually took a picture (ironically from far enough away that it could easily be a cow) that they think is "proof." I think they were just making it up so that the wives would agree to let them get their lease. I mean, who wouldn't want to camp next to a zebra?
Tater and I in front of the refuge fence. If you look closely you can see a herd of zebra in the you can't.
The one wildflower that we saw on the entire lease. Yes, the only one.
Some of the local wildlife of the non-exotic variety. (Oh that's right, I don't have any pictures to post of the exotic variety either, do I Kevin?) This rabbit was by far the largest one I have ever seen. It had to be about 40 pounds and I'm pretty sure it could have taken both Harley and Bella down. (Okay, a 10 pound bunny could probably take Harley down, but still.)
An Indigo Bunting. Kevin didn't get why this was so cool. He also kept calling it a Bluebird, if that tells you anything about what I'm working with here.
The rig parked in our camping spot. Please note the firepit in the foreground and then note that we will be moving it, preferably before the boys start drinking and thinking that it's a great night to have a bonfire.
On the ride home. No, not on the actual ride. We were parked at a gas station waiting on Daddy to fill 'er up.
We just happen to be off to the deer lease tomorrow for our first overnight excursion, with Kevin, Sandy, and their new toy hauler camper in tow. I'm hoping that we don't get eaten by any psycho Texas wildlife, but if we do and you don't see another post from me, I can guarantee that it wasn't the zebra that ate us.