It's amazing how much Greyden is changing too. As I said before, he has figured out the rolling from back to tummy. He also recently mastered the art of rolling from tummy to back which, oddly enough, he mysteriously can't do between the hours of 11pm and 4am. (Those are the "OMG I'M STUCK - WAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" hours.) A couple of weeks ago we also started working on sitting up by ourselves. (Yes I said we. We tend to operate as an entire unit. If you ever see Kevin or I feeding Greyden his vegetables, you'll see us opening and closing our mouths along with him. Not such a big deal until you catch yourself doing it in a restaurant. With random people staring at you. Awkward.) Therefore it should come as no surprise that we work on Greyden's milestones as a family too. For example, take our learning to sit up lesson. We all sit together on the floor of the nursery and sit Greyden up. A few seconds later Greyden tips over and ends up on his side/belly (because Mommy's cat-like reflexes have been dulled by the months of no sleep). Mommy sets Greyden back upright, then tries to shift to help support him and also tips over. Daddy laughs, reaches for his beer, misses, and tips over. Mommy, seeing an opportunity for the Forbidden Fruit of the Perma-Boob, reaches for Daddy's beer, misses (because just looking at a beer is enough to get Mommy drunk these days), and tips over again. Luckily Greyden has managed to teach himself to sit up, despite the horrible teachers he has.
Of course along with all of the new circus tricks of a 6 month old, there also comes a whole new level of awareness. If you've ever seen the movie "Up" you'll know what I'm talking about when I say "SQUIRREL!" The kid suddenly sees (and is distracted by) everything. About 90% of the time I don't mind. At least we're able to keep him occupied without having to be eye level and 6 inches from his face. But the other 10% of the time is when he is eating. And I use the term "eating" loosely. Remember, the kid is breastfed which means our happy little nursing sessions (which were comprised of him eating and me watching TV for half an hour) are no more. They've turned into "Suck a Little, Look a Little" sessions. And when I say suck a little, I'm talking "nom, nom, nom, thwack!" (this is the sound of my nipple stretching 4 inches before the suction breaks as Junior decides that there is something really, really interesting going on behind him that he has to see rightthissecond.) Then he's back on "nom, nom, nom, SQUIRREL/thwack!" "Nom, nom, nom, SQUIRREL/thwack!" It's about at this point that my nips wave the white flag of surrender. Feeding session OVER. But as always, Junior offers us a silver lining - our feeding sessions have decreased from about 20-30 minutes to only about 10 minutes. Highly beneficial when you're like me and breastfeeding your baby in a
Greyden's stats:
Weight: 14 lbs, 14 oz. (12th percentile)
Height: 26.5 inches (50th percentile)
Sitting up on his own:
OMG, a squirrel:
The All-American Guy pose. Yes, this will come back to haunt him when he brings home his first girlfriend:
I honestly don't know how you get him to pose like that! Hilarious! I can totally picture you all falling over while trying to teach Greyden to sit up, TOO FUNNY!!!