A couple of days ago, I got the brilliant idea to take Greyden to the Splash 'n Blast at our local Metro Park. The Splash 'n Blast is one of those water parks for kids where the water shoots up from the ground or out of pipes sticking up. Also known as the kind of place I would have KILLED to go to as a child, which is why I was sure Greyden would have an absolute blast. I had been thinking about taking him for a couple of weeks but it has been so hot that there was no way I would be able to take Emerson outside. Then last Wednesday we finally had the perfect day - warm enough for Grey to run around in the water, but cool enough for Emerson to be outside in her car seat.
I packed up the diaper bag (which has gotten considerably heavier since baby #2) with snacks, a swim suit, a swim diaper, and dry clothes. We were ready. We picked up Greyden from daycare early and drove over to the park. There were a lot of people, but it wasn't too packed. I quickly found a bench in the shade for myself and Emerson, loaded the big kiddo full of raisins for energy, and sent him off with Daddy. Actually, it didn't go exactly like that. He sat on the bench and shook his head no when I asked if he wanted to go play in the water.
As it turns out, Greyden wasn't nearly as excited as I thought he'd be. He was fine going through the sprays and fountains if Kevin was holding him, but wanted nothing to do with them if Daddy tried to put him down. Actually, I lied. He did let Kevin put him down once for a total of about 5 seconds. Good thing I had my camera ready, because I was able to snap a picture of the momentous moment.
The rest of the trip was spent like this:
And it eventually ended like this:
Yeah, he really wasn't impressed. Emerson on the other hand had a great time. At least one kid was impressed!
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