Monday, January 23, 2012

And the Parents of the Year Award Goes to......

This is how we spent last Wednesday afternoon:

I obviously don't literally mean "we", since I'm assuming if Kevin and I were also walking around the pediatrician's office naked under our coats, there would have been some issues. But since it was just Greyden participating in Pants-less Wednesday, we were good. We hit up the doctor's office because of a horrible cold that Greyden has had for about a week and a half. I thought he was on the upswing when his nose stopped running early last week, but Tuesday night he started coughing so hard he was choking. So much for my idea to let his body fight it off without antibiotics. Off to the doctor we went.

After a brief wait in the examination room, the doctor came in to check him out. She said his chest sounded clear, his breathing looked good, and his throat was fine. Then she checked his ears. "Looks like we have an ear infection!" she announced. I'm sorry, what? "Oh! Make that a DOUBLE ear infection!" she corrected herself. I just looked at her with my best "WHATTHEHECKAREYOUTALKINGABOUT???" look. Greyden can't have an ear infection. For one thing, he's never even had one before, let alone two at once. For another thing, he wasn't showing any symptoms. There was no ear pulling or walking with his head tilted to the side (my friend Nikki calls this the "special" walk when her kid gets ear infections). He was crankier than usual, but he was fighting off a miserable cold. I wasn't the happiest camper when I had the stupid thing a couple weeks earlier either. Then the doctor warned us that the right one was pretty bad, so don't be surprised if it ruptures and starts to drain. Huh? Drain what? I was so confused at this point. How long had he had a double ear infection? And how in the heck had we missed it? Yes, he was cranky in the evenings (and his teacher at daycare may have mentioned that she was earning her paycheck this week), but he hadn't even gotten a fever and, like I said, we figured it was his cold. (He also tends to take after his daddy, and Kevin is always cranky in the evenings. Dang, could he have an ear infection too??? Now that I think about it, he was doing the "special" walk a few days ago...)

As we sat in the doctor's office waiting for her to write up Greyden's antibiotic prescription, I could almost see our Parents of the Year trophy waltzing out the door. Oh wait, we might have fallen out of contention for that last Sunday, when Superbaby took a flying, head-first leap off the couch onto our hardwood floor, that is currently covered by a thin, rough, sea grass rug. He would up with a huge goose egg on his forehead and a lovely scrape from the scratchy rug.

And since I'm sure that you'll also notice the scraped up cheek, I might as well explain that about 3 hours prior to playing Superbaby, Greyden was petting my parent's dog when the dog decided to pet him back. Greyden got the rough pad of Scout's paw across his face. I have to admit that by the end of the day Sunday, I was beginning to worry that if we took him in to daycare the following morning, they might not give him back. It's been a rough week for the poor kid.

Of course it hasn't gotten any better yet. The Amoxicillan he was on caused him to develop a horrible diaper rash. Diaper changes are suddenly huge ordeals involving at least 10 minutes of hysterical screaming each time Junior poops. Needless to say, Mommy of the Year made the executive decision to cut off his antibiotic supply on Sunday morning, only 3 days after starting it, until I could call the doctor and get a different one. It's one thing to try to change him with two people, doing it with one person is next to impossible and Kevin is out of town for his National Sales Meeting for a few days. Hopefully this new antibiotic still clears up the ear infection but leaves his booty alone. Yesterday I let him run around my parent's house a bit without his diaper on to help air him out, too, which I definitely think helped. Oh, and sorry about the carpet Mom. I guess I owe you a carpet shampoo.

1 comment:

  1. Geeze, where is CPS when you need them. HA HA
    Poor baby Greyden.


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