Today is a day that I have been dreading since that wonderful day when I frantically gently woke Kevin up screaming whispering in his ear that we had a problem new bundle of joy on the way. Yup, I busted out the maternity clothes this morning. The tub has been sitting on the floor of my closet since we moved in, but I've been putting off the Removal of the Lid ceremony for a couple of weeks now. Why? Because maternity clothes are admitting that no, I can't squeeze my ass into my regular jeans anymore. Well, I guess that's not really true. I can get into them fine and they're actually not tight thanks to some serious spandex in the fabric. But when I sit down (which I happen to do all day) the buttons press into my gut. Since I'm trying to maintain an air of professionalism while working from home, I make sure to at least wear pants and, unfortunately, my regular jeans were just not cutting it for me anymore. This became glaringly apparent yesterday when I opened the door to the Amazon guy (um, I actually think he's a UPS guy, but since he delivers my packages from Amazon everyday sometimes, I call him my Amazon guy) with my pants undone. It was then that I realized it was time to take the plunge into the wonderful world of elastic waistbands.
There might have been another reason I decided that it was time to finally give in. Remember this lovely picture? *Sigh*
We appear to have had another casualty.
Do I get a disclaimer? These jeans are (were) approximately 10 years old. So I don't know if it was my thunder thighs that finally did them in, or the fact that they had been wearing a little thin between the legs for years on end. Which I guess would still be the result of my thunder thighs. Damn. It didn't help that when these ones ripped (while getting into the car) Kevin told me that I didn't seem to be taking it as well this time around. I just glared at him.
Since I am starting from scratch with a new doctor's office, this week's visit was only a consultation. The doctor drilled me on my family history for a while and then opened up the can of worms known as my eating habits. He casually asked me what my normal weight is when I'm not pregnant. I told him 145. Then he looked at my chart and said "Hmmm. Based on your weight today, is it safe to assume that you've gained about 15 pounds so far in this pregnancy?" HA! Is that a trick question? I would hardly call that safe on his part. For one thing, the bastard tricked me by asking what my normal, non-pregnant weight is. Had he asked me what my actual weight was when I got pregnant, I would have said 148. And, according to my bathroom scale, I'm only 157 pounds as of yesterday morning for a total gain of 9 pounds. So, no I would NOT consider it "safe" for you to ask me if I've gained 15 pounds. Unless you would like that chart shoved down your throat.
Personally, I am very proud of my 9 pounds. I am over 15 weeks along. Actually, what I should say is that I'm very proud that I've only gained 9 pounds. When I found my scale last week, I was expecting much more damage than that. After all, I did spend the 3 weeks prior to moving to Michigan surviving on the 3 main food groups: Mexican, Chinese, and pizza. Hey, we were busy packing. When you factor the holidays into that equation, I'd say 9 pounds is pretty good. After all, the average non-pregnant woman gains at least 5 pounds over the holidays. At least I have an excuse. Plus, if I had been asked to guess what my weight was, I would have guessed closer to 20 pounds. Therefore, I am more than happy with 9.
15.5 WEEKS
Due Date: July 15, 2012
Total weight gain/loss: 9 pounds
Next Appointment: February 20 - we have our anatomy scan to see if we're having a boy or a girl. Also known as, the appointment to find out if we have to buy all new stuff.
Maternity clothes?: Just the pants so far.
Sleep: My lack of sleep this time around has nothing to do with being pregnant, and everything to do with having a toddler in the house. I remember WAY back to my pre-toddler pregnancy. Oh, those were the days. Greyden does pretty good with sleeping through the night, but I'd say he still gets up during the night at least 2-3 times per week. Even once a week is too much for this exhausted mom. I've been exhausted since the first trimester and even now, at almost 16 weeks, it still shows no signs of letting up.
Best moment this week: Listening to the baby's heartbeat! Also known as "yes, I deserved the Big Mac Extra Value meal(s)."
Movement: I finally started to feel the baby on Tuesday this week, at 15 weeks and 2 days. Much earlier than the 18 weeks I was at last time.
Food cravings: Sugary cereal. I am stocked up on Frosted Flakes, Cap'n Crunch, and Pebbles with Marshmallows. At the same time there is a box of Kashi Go Lean slowly rotting away in my pantry.
Planning/Preparations: None until we find out the gender.
Belly Button in or out: In - and again, we're planning on keeping it that way. I'd assume that since it stayed in last time, it would do the same this time. I should Google that.
Stretch Marks: Pffft. Of course not.
Showing?: I woke up Tuesday morning, looked in the mirror, and wondered what the hell happened to my gut last night. That should pretty much explain it all.
What I miss: My last pregnancy, but only because I was able to be pregnant without having to keep up with a toddler. When I was tired, I could sleep. Or zone on the couch for hours on end. This time around? Yeah, not so much.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out if it's a boy or a girl. I have a LOT of stuff to buy and a new nursery to decorate. I'm ready to get on it.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out if it's a boy or a girl. I have a LOT of stuff to buy and a new nursery to decorate. I'm ready to get on it.
Milestones: Non-baby related, but our house is almost unpacked! I have one box left in the office, which I'm considering just throwing away. If I don't open it, I'll never miss what was inside, right?
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