Yesterday was one of those days at work....long and boring. So last night when I got home, I was in the mood to get out of the house and do something fun. In mine and Kevin's world, fun = food (and/or beer. Those terms are completely interchangable). Since I was in the mood for fajitas and he was in the mood for margaritas we decided to head out and hit up one of the local Mexican joints. We haven't been out for Mexican in ages since for the last few months it has been on my "I don't want that" pregnancy food list. But don't worry, we subsequently made up for lost time. I probably ate a whole basket of chips (with extra salt of course) then polished off 3 fajitas. And I tend to make my fajitas so big that they hardly close. Normally I can get down 2 before feeling like I'm going to explode. Never fear, I courageously pushed through the pain to get that third one down. But talk about salt overload. When I went to bed last night, my mouth still felt like cardboard from being so dry. I warned Kevin that I was probably going to wet the bed with all of the water I had been drinking all evening (for the record, I didn't). But maybe I should have because I am beyond bloated today. And of course, I wasn't thinking when I suggested Mexican last night because this morning is my weekly check in morning! It probably would have been a lot smarter to save my Mexican fiesta for tonight instead. But being the courageous pregnant lady that I am (3 FAJITAS PEOPLE!) I got up this morning, took a deep breath, and bravely stepped onto the scale. Then I got off. Then I got back on. One more round of off/on just for good measure, then I just about passed out. I hit the 160 mark this morning. At first I honestly thought my scale was broken (it was only 5:15 in the morning after all) then I did the math and realized that 160 is only 2.5 pounds heavier than where I have been for the last couple of weeks. But still, I haven't seen 160 since my Sophomore year of college when I finally found my Freshman 15 (okay, 30. Whatever). Let's just say it was quite a jolt that early in the morning.
CHECKING IN – Week 19!
Due Date: November 12, 2010
Total weight gain/loss: 12 pounds. But I'm sure most of that is salt and Mexican bloat. In fact, I'm positive that's what it is. I'm sure I'll be back to my normal, svelte self by next week's weigh in.
Next Appointment: Still next Wednesday. Which cannot get here soon enough, even though I have a sneaking suspicion that Bob the Baby is going to keep his (okay, okay....or HER) legs closed. Just because the not knowing is driving me crazy. And I hear that's what kids do to their parents.
Maternity clothes? I am going on a shopping spree! Or if Kevin asks, I am going to go buy a pair of maternity jeans. I originally had no intention of buying any jeans or long pants (besides those for work) since I will have no use for them in Texas until November, but I realized today that in less than 2 weeks I am going to be in Michigan for over a week. I also realized that all of the shorts, sundresses, and tank tops that I've bought thus far are not going to cut it in the cool, Michigan evenings. So I'm off to wrangle up a couple pairs of pants. And maybe a shirt or two. And possibly a cute dress for a wedding in two weeks.
Sleep: Yes please.
Best moment this week: Making it to Friday. Does that count?
Movement: Still the random pops here and there. But they are pretty consistent in when they happen. I always know I'll feel a couple of pops around 1 pm or so.
Food cravings: Fajitas. See above.
Planning/Preparations: We're still waiting to find out the sex before making any plans. Or at least that's what we're telling ourselves. In reality, I just don't think we quite know where to begin. Although we started talking names a couple of days ago. Then we realized that neither of us have any very strong preferences yet so it looks like we're back to Bob the Baby for at least another week or so.
Belly Button in or out: Ummm.....I'm not really sure how to break the news, but it's looking like my belly button may be making an appearance to the outside world. It's getting kind of shallow. I feel like I'm watching a turkey waiting for the timer to pop. My belly button ring is still holding out though.
Stretch Marks: Still none.
What I miss: Wine. But my mom sent be a book in the mail called "The Newly Non-Drinking Girl's Guide to Pregnancy." I'm sure I'll finish that one this weekend. Any tips are greatly appreciated.
What I am looking forward to: Next Wednesday for now. After that, our road trip to Michigan!!! It's funny how we always used to whine about how we never get to take real vacations since all roads seem to lead to Michigan. But for some reason we are really looking forward to it this time! Maybe because we know we'd never get our money's worth from an all-inclusive resort in Mexico with me not drinking.
Milestones: 19 weeks today!
And the picture: