Yup, a bouncing baby boy. Well, I take that back. To say that the baby was bouncing would be a bit of an exaggeration. In reality, he started the ultrasound curled up and face down, then promptly rolled over on his side with his back to us. He proceeded to stay in that position for pretty much the entire 20 minute ultrasound. We were pretty sure we weren't going to be able to catch a glimpse of his face, but just as we were giving up on him he flipped onto his back so we were thankfully able to get a shot of his face too.
The ultrasound tech has zero problem figuring out the sex. I'm pretty sure she hadn't even put the wand on my belly before saying "that was too easy." See below:

Yeah, he wasn't so shy with the goods. Unlike with his face. But according to the doctor everything looks good. All of the fluid levels are perfect and the baby is measuring right on at 20 weeks, so only 2 days ahead of where my due date puts me. The doctor said that Bob the Baby is weighing in at 13 oz. And yes I am sure that is a slight error on the part of the doctor. See, I've gained about 10 pounds which means the baby must be right around 9.5 pounds, give or take a few ounces. I didn't bother to correct her though. After all, she IS the doctor and I wouldn't want to wound her pride. I may need her later. Although I am questioning her so-called "medical" degree now......
The best part of the ultrasound is that they gave us a whole slew of pictures. I've attached them below.
The basic ultrasound pictures:

And the cool ultrasound pictures:
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