Happy 20 weeks to me! In pregnancy timelines, that means I'm officially 4.5 months along even though it looks like 5 months to the layperson. (Okay, it looks like 5 months to me too. I'll never figure this pregnancy timing thing out.) I can't believe how fast it's gone! I mentioned that to Kevin yesterday and his reaction was the total opposite. He can't believe how long it's taking. I think it's because he is getting tired of his drinking partner being AWOL.
And speaking of drinking, I finally got a chance to ask my doctor about alcohol. Specifically how much and how often. She gave me the all clear on a glass of wine 1-2 times per week. Thank god. Not that I've desperately needed a glass yet, but I have a feeling the time is coming. Especially since we're house hunting after work tonight. Yes, house hunting as in looking to buy a new house. You know, because last Saturday we were putting in a pool and pool house at our current house. My, how things change in a week. Turns out, the pool and pool house would run us close to $100K. We can buy a bigger house with a pool in a similar neighborhood for that and let someone else eat the cost of the pool. So we're off! I am really hoping that we find our house soon. I just need to be HOME. I don't care where it is.
Due Date: November 12, 2010
Total weight gain/loss: Okay, I forgot to weight myself this morning. Oh darn. At my appointment on Wednesday I was up one pound from the week before so we're running with that.
Next Appointment: July 21 - 3.5 weeks. This one will be for the gestational diabetes testing. They already gave me my bottle of Glucola to drink 1 hour before my appointment. Like I'll remember that 4 weeks from now when the appointment comes. I've got it written in my planner, entered into my phone as an alarm, and on my email calendar to help remind me. I'll still forget.
Maternity clothes? I despise shopping. Even when shopping for regular clothes. That is just not something that I enjoy doing and shopping for maternity clothes is even worse. My goal in life is to one day have a personal shopper to do it all for me. Including shopping for my shoes, because that is even worse than shopping for clothes. Yes, I know I am a minority here. That being said, I did have to hit the mall this week. I realized that one of the reasons that we are going to Michigan over the 4th is for a wedding! Oh goody! That means that I have to find a spandex dress to squeeze into while giving off the appearance of total pregnant hotness. I'm still looking.
Sleep: It's starting to get a little uncomfortable. I'm supposed to be sleeping on my side, which I already do, but I tend to roll more toward my stomach than my belly wants to let me right now. This is only going to get worse I'm sure.
Best moment this week: Finally confirming that we have a boy in there! I can't imagine the total freakout that would have happened if the ultrasound tech had announced it's a girl. Panic? Panic comes to mind.....
Movement: Definitely becoming more consistent. I feel him daily, usually a handful of pops at 4 or 5 different times throughout each day. Last night we drove around looking at houses and were in the car what felt like forever. Let's just say that by the end of the trip, I was pretty sure Bob the Baby wanted out. I can only imagine how much he's going to like the 20 hour car ride to Michigan.
Food cravings: None at the moment.
Planning/Preparations: Well, I guess we have no more excuses as to why we are putting it off the whole baby buying / registering thing. Other than the fact that neither Kevin nor I have any idea what we need. Or don't need for that matter. I'm terrified to even drive by Babies 'R Us. Today I got the phone call that I've been dreading. Kerry called me to find out where we're registering so that she can put it on my shower invites and get them sent out. Um.....um.....um (I wasn't meditating on the concept, I was trying to figure out what to tell her to get her off my back.) Looks like we're going to have to step up to the plate and get registered. Or at least decide what stores we're going to do it at. I'm also accepting applications for volunteers to do it for me.
Belly Button in or out: Still in. We're holding strong.
Stretch Marks: None!
Showing?: There is definitely no mistaking me for having a thyroid problem now. I'm showing. Unfortunately I am not showing in the way I had originally planned. I had fully intended on being one of those cute, pregnant, model-looking types. You know the kind.....tall, skinny, volleyball under their tight little t-shirt. Somehow, I ended up with an upended watermelon under mine. Granted, I was already behind the bus with the whole "tall" thing, since no one would mistake me for tall. Or for a model. But I was really pulling for the volleyball thing. Not sure how I missed out on that one.
What I miss: Well I can't say wine anymore. Maybe sleeping through the night. That's running a pretty close second. Oh! And my pre-pregnancy clothes. I'm really ready to have those back now.
What I am looking forward to: Leaving for Michigan!
Milestones: Halfway there!!! (Does anyone else have Bon Jovi stuck in their head now? Ooooohhhhh, we're half way there. Oh OH! Living on a prayer......)
And the pictures:
Crap! How did THAT get in there?
Hmmm.......we seem to have a wardrobe malfunction. That purple shirt is making me look fat. Costume change!
MUCH better.
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