Yup, that’s the new HockenBean. Affectionately referred to as Bob the Baby, after my sister’s cat Bobbles. As my brother said, “Bobbles is a good, strong name.” Once we get the 99.9% gender guarantee from the doctor (two weeks from now!) we’ll start seriously talking names. (Sorry, Kerry. We weren’t serious when we said we were naming it after your cat.) For now though we’re going with the 90% guarantee that it’s a boy! So Bob the Baby it is.
How are Mom and Dad-to-be holding up? As well as can be expected. I am 18 weeks today and it is finally starting to become real that we are going to be parents in a few months. Hey now, I heard that collective gasp. We’ll be fine. I
Like I said, my pregnancy has been pretty easy so far. Now I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth. I am perfectly aware that it could change at any minute and the pregnancy symptoms could nail me to the wall. I have heard the horror stores (from everyone and their brother, but that's beside the point). I’ve only had two mornings where I was nauseous (but no puking) and that’s it for the whole morning sickness thing, although I did wake up feeling hung over every morning from about weeks 6-12. My lack of energy kept me out of the gym from weeks 12-16, but I think that’s only because I go at 5 am. There was no dragging me out of bed before 7 and even that was pushing it for those weeks although I was still staying up until my normal bedtime with no problems. I’d have to say that the worst symptom so far was the cramps. They were HORRIBLE. Like, “waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night” kind of horrible. Those were only in the beginning though, from about week 6 through week 9 or 10. After that, nothing.
I think the hardest part of the pregnancy so far was the "not-able-to-cook" phase, which lasted from weeks 6 – 11. Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE to cook. During those long weeks I could manage Kraft mac and cheese, but that’s about it. Our meals consisted of a going out to eat, ordering pizza, or, if we did decide to stay home and “cook,” mac and cheese, frozen waffles (yes, in the same meal), or hot dogs. Thankfully I am back in the kitchen again. What’s funny is that even though I couldn’t cook during those weeks, I could eat with no problem. (No comments from the peanut gallery, please.) Sure there were things that didn’t sound appealing (pork chops, smoked meat, sometimes shrimp to name a few), but I could alwasy find something that I could eat wherever we went. My only craving thus far has been candy, which I normally have no need for. And that disappeared as quickly as it came, leaving me with an entire cupboard still full of Easter candy.
I'm already a bit behind, but from here on out I will be keeping up with my pregnancy progress. So here’s my first of my weekly check-ins, just to play catch up:
Due Date: November 12, 2010
Total weight gain/loss: So far I’ve only gained about 8 pounds. Now that my old eating habits have returned and I’m back in the gym, I feel a little more in control. And I'm no longer worried that I'm going to turn into a giant pizza (since that was my staple food group for quite a while.)
Next Appointment: Wednesday June 23 – this one is the “big” one. Anatomy scan and gender determination!
Maternity clothes: Ugh, I finally had to break down and buy some. I had been doing pretty good staying in my old clothes using the Be Band from Target, but when my dress pants got to the point where I couldn’t even zip them, I had to suck it up and buy some. Let’s see, I have a denim skirt (my first elastic banded denim skirt since I was about 6), a couple of pairs of khaki shorts/capris, a pair of denim shorts, and for work I bought a couple of stretchy, jersey knit dresses and two pairs of dress pants – one brown, one black. I’m hoping that this gets me through for at least a couple of months although I know I’m going to need some more work clothes soon.
Sleep: I have been sleeping like a brick. If I do wake up it’s to use the bathroom (maybe 1-2 times per night) and I have no problem going right back into a deep sleep. I’m relishing this phase, because I know it’s too good to last.
Best moment this week: Finding out that my best friend is pregnant!
Movement: No movement yet. I woke up during the night I few nights ago and when I laid back down I could feel a faint popping/fluttering sensation in my abdomen. Of course it could have been a dream, being as I also dreamed that I had my engagement ring reappraised and it was valued at $305K. Nice. All of my dreams are very, very vivid now so it is highly possible that it could have been in my head.
Food cravings: No real cravings for anything specific. I’m trying to get back into vegetables because those really don’t sound that great right now. I've been supplementing with fruit instead.
Food Aversions: Just smoked meat right now. Although I'm not sure if that's due to my pregnancy or due to the fact that smoked meat was all we ate for about 3 weeks straight at the beginning of my pregnancy when my husband bought his beloved smoker. Regardless, I'm over it.
Planning/Preparations: Let’s see. None. Up until this morning when I found out about my friend’s pregnancy I really wasn’t that excited about the whole pregnancy thing. It was something that was there, but not really real. Luckily with her pregnancy, I'm able to look at it from an outsiders view and I'm starting to realize how exciting this really is! Bring on the nursery!
Belly Button: I’m an innie and I plan on staying that way.
Stretch Marks: None. Again, I plan on staying that way.
Showing?: I think so, but I'm at that in-between stage where I look pregnant if you know I'm pregnant, but if you don't, then I look like I'm rocking one hell of a beer gut. And yes, that comparison is coutesy of my darling husband (who also made the mistake of referring to me as "Mama the Hutt" a couple of weeks ago, but that is another post. And believe me, it WILL be a post.)
What I miss: My friends back in Michigan! Now that they are all pregnant too, I am bummed that I am doing it all alone way down in Texas.
What I am looking forward to: My next ultrasound! I’m wondering how I’m going to hold out for two more weeks. Oh, and my friend Joe's 40th birthday this weekend. It's going to rock!
Milestones: Almost done with month 4. Month 5 starts on Friday!
And since I won't be taking any more pictures until my 18 week shots this Friday, here's a teaser from 16 weeks. I can assure you that this will be the last picture taken sans clothing.

Oh!! I am so happy for you!! You made me cry and I love it. I miss you and am so happy you are my bestest friend :-) :-)
ReplyDeleteLove it! I want to hear more!! btw, Bobbles is going to be SO disappointed that you were just kidding about taking his name... Miss you sis :)