Friday, October 8, 2010

Random Musings from a Pregnant Lady (also known as Blogger ate my original post and my baby brain doesn't remember what it was about)

I remember when I first got pregnant (yes, even with my pregnant brain. It wasn't that long ago people). I was bombarded with advice (unsolicited), stories (horror), and list after list of the million and one things that you can't do/eat while pregnant. Most of which I've ignored. Giving up Blizzards during the one time in my life when I can suck them down without (as many) people staring, simply because they're made with soft serve ice cream? You've GOT to be kidding me. Now that I've put that phase safely behind me (okay, ignored it completely), I'm onto the next phase. Things not to do AFTER giving birth. For example, no lifting (Kevin! I dropped the remote again!), no illegal drugs while breastfeeding (I thought this went without saying, but maybe not so much?), and for the love of god "DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR OFF." Now this last one hadn't occured to me, but judging from the number of people who have given me this advice as well as the number of articles on pregnancy websites saying the same thing, it appears this is a real disease among first-time moms. Cut your hair off so you don't have to deal with it while trying to take care of a baby. My hair is long and it's so easy to just blow dry and go or throw it into a pony tail. Cutting it off sure wouldn't make it any easier. If anything, life would get more difficult with short hair since I'd have to style it for the first time since 1996. Not to mention, I am not one of those people who can pull off a short hair cut. My face blows up like a balloon and lord knows I have enough balloons covering my body right now. The last thing I need is a giant one sticking out of my neck too.

Remember our brilliant and foolproof plan for choosing a baby name? We were each going to make a list of names that we liked and then compare them to see if we had any matches (if not, go fish). And I'm sure you'll be shocked to find out that yeah, our idea didn't exactly pan out. Why? Because, um, we might have forgotten to talk about them last Friday when the lists were due. Or, more likely, we both just pretended to forget and chose to ignore the topic instead. And then continued to ignore it for the entire week after that. I think the real reason the plan was aborted was because we were both nervous about what names the other had on their list. It was much easier to just avoid the topic instead. For example, I know that Kevin's list would have consisted of 10 names, all of them either Clay or Clayton over and over. Yes, he's still on that kick. However, big news! I think we finally picked a name. Kevin was out of town Wednesday night and randomly texted me a name out of the blue. From there the texts started flying and a name was chosen. Yes, by text. I asked Kevin (via text) why we were texting this conversation instead of talking on the phone. He replied (via text) that he finds me less intimidating by text. (I think that's a compliment, yes?) Regardless, he's excited to tell our kid that we named him by text. Not that the kid will know what text is. I'm sure he'll just assume that it's like those "DVD-thingys" that his ancient parents still have in a box in the attic. And just because I know how indecisive Kevin and I are, I'm choosing to wait before divulging the information. Because by next week his name could very well be Clayton.


Due Date: November 12, 2010
Total weight gain: 31 pounds. Yes, my goal was to stay under 30 pounds. So guess what that means! (If you said give up fried food, burgers, chips and dip, and Pumpkin Spice Lattes, you're way off.) Being up 31 pounds means it's time to set a new goal! Now we're trying for staying under 35 pounds. Until next week when I reserve the right to bump that up to staying under 40.

Next Appointment: Next Thursday for the measurement ultrasound. I'm excited for the ultrasound, but not exactly sure why I have to get measurements done. The kids is obviously ginormous. My estimates have him around 25 pounds or so. I mean, just look at my total weight gain above. That's obviously not ALL from cheeseburgers and Blizzards, right?
Maternity Clothes: I'm going to have to break down and buy some new shoes. My shoes are starting to split at the sides. Yes, I'm serious and yes, you can stop laughing now. I guess that means my feet are pregnant too? Payless, here I come.
Labor Signs: I can tell I'm getting close, because my belly is changing. It seems a lot lower and heavier now. I hadn't really thought about it until Mom told me that judging from my weekly pictures the baby dropped. Clueless me, my first thought was "How in the hell did I manage to drop him already? He hasn't even been born yet!" After a quick consult with Dr. Google, it means that the baby has moved into the pelvis to prepare for the descent down the birth canal. Maybe we should have taken that birthing class after all.
Sleep: Sleeping is a LOT harder when you can't get comfortable. Getting comfortable is a lot harder when you can't roll over. Rolling over is a lot harder when the baby in your belly weighs 25 pounds.
Best moment this week: Funny enough, it was the breastfeeding class we took on Tuesday. I was hesitant about taking it since it could have been a total waste of time, but in the end I decided to go through with it since I was even more hesitant about the information I was being bombarded with from the books I was reading. Like licking the baby. Which I can safely say was NOT mentioned in the class. (That lack of information / demonstration got two thumbs up from me to the Lactation Consultant that was teaching it. Although I'm sure she didn't know why the phycho woman in the back was giving her the thumbs up sign with a dumb grin on her face). The instructor was also fun - she demonstrated the different holds by pinning a stuffed boob to her shirt. Yes, just one.
Movement: He definitely favors my right side and I think he's moved into my ribs. Because that's really comfortable. For him, not for me. And of course that totally contradicts the whole "baby dropping" thing. I think I can comfortably admit to having no freaking clue as to what is going on in there right now.
Food cravings: Pumpkin Spice beer and candy corn! Can you tell I have a thing for fall? I am normally living on those things this time of year. And no, I haven't given in to my craving (for the beer only - there isn't a candy corn within a 10 mile radius that's safe from me right now).
Planning/Preparations: I guess we should probably get going on the nursery. We haven't touched it since we painted and we still need a chair, curtains, and decorations. So yeah, pretty much the entire room. Because god forbid there are no decorations on the wall when he's born!
Belly Button in or out: HA! Still in. And no, I'm not posting a picture. I tried to take one yesterday and it is pretty much the scariest looking thing you've ever seen. Now if I could get a bottle of wine in me, I'd probably be posting pictures left and right. This is one of those rare instances where I'm actually thankful that I can't drink right now. Drunk blogging would not be good.
Stretch Marks: Nope.
What I miss: Pumpkin Spice beer. I am so sad that I have to sacrifice a whole season of it! We obviously didn't consider the important things in life when planning this baby.

What I am looking forward to: Our baby shower, ahem, Baby Bash this weekend! (I have to say Baby Bash in order to get the guys to attend. What self respecting guy would show up to a Baby Shower?) My girlfriends are throwing it for us and it is going to be awesome. And I'm not just saying that because they keep reminding everyone to bring their $1 bills (for the dice game people, not for the strippers). They have put a ton of effort into it. And best of all, we're having Mexican food catered in. I am insanely excited!!! (for the party too, not just for the fajitas and chips).
Milestones: I have reached my 35/35 milestone. That means that I am 35 weeks along and have 35 days left. Holy cow, that makes it seem real doesn't it? Especially since I've decided that it's in the best interest of all parties involved (especially those traveling in from Michigan and those that have hunting season to work around - you know who you are) for him to come early. I'm thinking 38 weeks. So everyone can go ahead and make their travel plans accordingly. (You do get to pick when you go into labor, right?) Also, in honor of my 35/35 milestone and how hard I've been working on being pregnant so far (ha!), I have decided to treat myself to a spa day! So this afternoon I'm taking off work and getting a prenatal massage, facial, spa manicure, and spa pedicure. I can't wait. (I may have to work hard at being pregnant next week just so I have an excuse for another spa day.)

35 Week picture:


  1. Ooo-laaa-laaa. You look sexy in black. Yes, you are a sexy pregnant lady. You did it! You succesfully made the rest of us preggos look bad :-) I agree-it does look like the baby is dropping a bit. Eek!! Just a few more weeks.

    On a side note. Am I bad for buying a 6 pack of pumpkin beer and sneaking a bottle (well...1/2 a bottle) during the week. My baby seems to enjoy it. We'll do anything for our kids right? :-) :-)

    Oh, and come to our house. We have candy corn too.

    Have fun at Baby Bash!! Wish I was there!

  2. I heard a song about a girl rockin a beer gut this week...was that you? I wish I could be there to rub that belly...your sooooo cute!

  3. Katie, I am about to do the same thing. I don't think I can go a whole season without my Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale! You're right, it's for the baby.

    Mom, I WISH it were me rocking the beer gut. Unfortunatley, it's not even close.


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