Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to me! And I have to say that my first "official" Mother's Day was absolutely perfect! I got to sleep in an extra hour and a half (no thanks to Tater, who was up and ready to celebrate Mother's Day at 6:15 that morning). I did get up at that time to feed him, but when Kevin told me that it was my one chance to sleep in (to which I thought, excuse me? what do you mean "one chance?" but like I said, it was 6:15 and WAY too early to question things) so back to bed I went. I didn't even think I'd fall asleep until Kevin came it at 8:45 to tell me that breakfast was done. I had apparently been out like a light.

In addition to a yummy breakfast of bacon, eggs, and potatoes, I got the sweetest cards from both of my boys and an awesome DSLR camera! I'm in love. I can't wait to get past the intimidation bust it out and start learning. Kevin was convinced that I already knew what I was getting, but to be honest, I had no clue. I seriously thought it was going to be a Keurig coffee maker, after my brief obsession over them when my sister got one for Christmas (and for the record, I still wouldn't turn one down). Of course after I had opened my gift and told him that I had thought I was getting a coffee maker, his response was "Huh. Well THAT would have been cheaper." Nice, honey. :-)

I could probably preface the next paragraph with "you're not going to believe this" but I won't, since you most definitely will believe it. For lunch we went out to..........dum, dum, dum............Buffalo Wild Wings! Because that's how we celebrate all holidays, from St. Patrick's Day to anniversaries to Thursdays in the Hockenberry household. We got there around 1:30 and it was dead in there. Apparently most moms aren't jonesing to go to BWW for Mother's Day. How odd. After our lunch out we went home and just hung out. It was a beautiful day so we put Tater in his exersaucer and sat in the backyard all afternoon. It was honestly the perfect day for a homebody like myself.

I think the only ones who enjoyed yesterday more than me were the animals. Ever since Junior came along, the poor things have been put on the back burner. Well, as much of a back burner as Harley will let us. He just doesn't give up and was THRILLED to have us home all day to throw his bone for him. Our cat Phyllis is also more desperate for attention than ever, to the point where she stalks Greyden and waits for us to set him on the floor just so that she can walk by him. He'll grab handfuls of her fur and hold on for dear life. And she lets him do it too. (Poor thing, you can tell she's starved for attention if she's willing to walk around half bald.) When Junior finally lets go (or, more likely, has his fingers pried open by mommy or daddy), she'll immediately turn around and walk by again so that he can pull her fur some more. I wonder if she remembers what real petting feels like. (I'm also starting to wonder if our animals need therapy.)

We're still having fun with the solids. Greyden loves everything he's tried so far: sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, bananas, applesauce, carrots, peaches, and avocado (which comes in incredibly handy when you're dining out at a Mexican restaurant and forgot to bring his food). He has a good time eating, as you can see from his sweet potato / banana dinner this past weekend. He's just like his Mommy and prefers to wear his food, rather than eat it.

 I also gave him his first Mum-mum rice cookie, just to see what he'd do. He DEVOURED it in about 2 minutes flat. There was no learning curve involved.

Of course Mother's Day wouldn't be complete without a shout out to my own amazing mother and best friend, who I am incredibly blessed to have in my life everyday, even though we are 1200 miles apart. She has taught me more than I could have imagined about parenting and life in general, and has talked me off multiple cliffs since becoming a parent myself. And, as luck would have it, I also have a wonderful mother-in-law who is also an amazing woman and who raised the perfect husband for me. Many, many thanks and a Happy Mother's Day to you both!

1 comment:

  1. It's still amazing to me to see pictures of Greyden and think, you really have a baby! He is really in your and our lives. What a blessing :) Happy Mother's Day sis.


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