Wednesday, March 2, 2011

4 Months Old!

Greyden was 4 months old on Tuesday! You know what that means - it's shot time! My least favorite part of having a baby. I can't stand to see him get stuck with those 12 inch needles. Okay, fine. Maybe the needles aren't quite that big. But they're close. Even though I'm pretty sure it bothers me more than it bothers him. Yes, he shrieks for about 10 seconds after the initial stick, but after that he's fine. Mommy on the other hand continues to shriek.

Here's Greyden at the doctor's office, pre-shots. I was freaking out way too much to take any post-shot pictures. The guy in the scrubs is NOT the doctor, thank goodness.

Greyden is 12 pounds, 6 ounces and 24.5 inches. That means he's in the 10th percentile and 30th percentile respectively. Much better than the approximately 6th-ish percentiles that he was before. And he's gaining weight and growing at the right rate, so according to the doctor he's just a little peanut and there is no reason to worry. Not that I am worrying. Have you seen his father? There is no way this kid will be a runt.

One of the things that I was NOT expecting to hear at the appointment was that it was time for us to start solids. I had always heard that you were supposed to start them at 6 months. She was telling us rice cereal at 4 months, oatmeal at 5 months, and fruits, veggies, and meats at 6 months. I thought I had two more months before I even had to THINK about taking this step. Suddenly she's telling me to start now. I just about lost it. I wanted to yell "Not yet! I'm not ready!" But for fear of being labeled as one of "those moms" I held my tongue. I've since resigned myself to picking up some rice cereal and making a go of it this weekend. I figure there's a 50% chance that he's going to eat like his mommy, so my newly revised shopping list includes rice cereal, nursery water (whatever the hell that is), and a tarp.

In addition to it being Greyden's 4 month birthday, it was also my little sister's birthday. She's the one who is currently incubating her own Bob the Baby. And even though I'm told that her Bob stands for "Baby on Board," the former grocery store cashier in me can't help but think "Bottom Of Basket" every time I hear it. (If the bagger asked me how Bob was doing or if I'd heard from him, I knew that the customer had something on the bottom rack of the cart that they forgot to put on the conveyor. I have no idea why we couldn't just ask the customer if they had anything in the bottom of their cart.) Although come to think of it, Baby on Board doesn't seem to fit either. Every time I hear it, I think of a ginormous SUV barreling down the road with the little yellow sign in the back window. Kerry's not quite an SUV. She's more of a...........Prius. She doesn't quite have the girth to be an SUV yet. And yes, I did intend to say yet (insert evil laugh here).

OMG, take the picture already....

Are you laughing at my Grandpa Shag pants?

Another picture? I don't think so. Rar.

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