Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

First and foremost - Happy birthday to my favorite little man! I don't know where the time went, but he's a whole year old today! That makes me sad, but it's been fun watching him grow up and learn new things. We had his birthday party last weekend, so once I collect the pictures from our resident photographers, I'll post a birthday party recap. Today is also the birthday of one of my other favorite people - HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY MOM! I love you and hope you have a wonderful day! Now on to HALLOWEEN!

We had a hard time deciding what to do for Halloween this year. For one thing, Kevin and I aren't really Halloween people. I don't decorate for it, we don't carve pumpkins, and we've never dressed up for it. When we got married on October 30, everyone was SO excited that they'd get to wear a costume to our wedding reception. Um, no. The only people that would be in "costume" would be the bride and groom, thankyouverymuch. I think the most we've ever done for Halloween was hauling ourselves off the couch (beer in hand) to pass out candy during commercial breaks. We won't even consider going to a Halloween party unless the invitation specifically says "costumes optional".

Alas, that all changed when we were dealt the Parenting Card. Time to put on our "Yay! It's Halloween!" faces. The problem we ran into this year was what exactly to do with a 1 year old on Halloween. The grandparents aren't nearby so it's not like we can take him over to their houses for some healthy treats of graham crackers and apple juice (which I know they'd shower him with over candy any day). And going around showing him off to complete strangers in our neighborhood didn't really sound like fun either. He can't really really trick-or-treat for candy since he can't eat it (and everyone knows that taking a 1 year old trick-or-treating is just the parents way of scoring free candy). In true "Leah" fashion, I was contemplating skipping this year (he won't remember it anyway, right?) when I talked to my friend Nicole and found out that she and her husband sit in their driveway and drink cocktails pass out candy on Halloween. Now THAT is something that I can get on board with. 

After we had secured step 1 and made some actual Halloween plans, we moved on to step 2 - Finding the Halloween Costume. I figured it couldn't be that difficult. Then I got online. OMG there are THOUSANDS of costumes. It took me 2 weeks to narrow it down to a puffy dragon or a puffy cow. (I have a thing for puffy babies.) Kevin was pretty adamant about not dressing our child as a cow until I told him that the costume was only $10. Sold. Of course I had to throw in a cowbell to complete look. It's probably not the most "manly" of costumes, but I figure by this time next year he's probably going to want to be Freddy Krueger, so I need to take full advantage and dress him as livestock while I still can.

Greyden wondering what those strange-looking things down the street are...

Greyden realizing that the strange-looking things are running at him yelling "Trick-or Treat!" 

His obsession of the evening: the neighbor's kitty cat.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween!

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